Three Decades: A summary

Today, I complete 3 decades of life on Earth. I’ve spent a major part of this time in learning, teaching myself new skills and building a solid foundation for the mountains I plan to scale in this decade. I’m living one of the most exciting times of life and will be pushing new frontiers. At the end of this decade, I foresee the following happening:

  1. Zero traffic jams in Urban transport: Thanks to flying cars based on NoPo’s tech.
  2. Regular trips to Mars would be the new vacation getaway: Thanks to super material’s made of Carbon Nanotubes
  3. Wireless energy will be mainstream. Thanks to Rebeams efforts.
  4. Entertainment will be fully immersive with VR content creation becoming as simple as taking a video on the augmenter. Thanks to Viga Studios

I’m fortuitous for all the family and friends that have backed me this far. It’s now the time for your faith and confidence to see results. Thank you all!


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Consumer products to the defense

Until recently, the most cutting edge of technologies were available for use only by the military; thanks to their innate desire for tactical advantage. This was true until the last 10 years when Apple released the iPhone. Over years; each iPhone has gotten much better and put consumer technology on an exponential growth. For the first time, each individual has as much computing power and technology that only rich governments could muster.

When I initially planned Single Walled Carbon Nanotube based products; I believed that my first target market must be defense and space as I expected them to desire cutting edge performance above all else. The last 5 years painfully proved me wrong. In the Indian context; the Defense Research Organization confessed that they don’t have the wherewithal to develop cutting edge products or buy them from Indian companies. Similarly the space agency was averse to trying new materials that hadn’t been flight tested before. This put a spanner on my plans for the first possible customer.

This realization has made me reconsider my first products. The focus will no longer be on products usable by the defense forces. But on products that will directly be sold to consumers to augment their lives in ways unimaginable until now. We will unleash the full power of Carbon Nanotubes and give it to the people to write a new chapter in human history. In this chapter, we will eliminate exploitation of natural resources and keep this world safe for future generations of humans.

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My vision for Transportation

The wheel has been the fundamental crux of our transportation from the time of it’s invention till now. It gave mankind the ability to travel all over and occupy all of earth rapidly.  It has given us this day in history.

We are now at the crux of human history where we want to travel and live beyond earth. We want to spread into air and space. For this to happen, we must abandon our best invention, we must abandon the wheel, abandon the internal combustion and the urge to use explosives to take us to space. It is hard to give up on such a remarkably successful invention overnight. But this is the price that ought to be paid.
I envision a world running on a completely new kind of propulsion. Something that is not noisy, is efficient and does not use wheels/explosions to push the vehicle. It must use the enormous power of coulomb’s force. Something akin to the Nanotube propulsive system.
This propulsion system would start it’s jouney by powering small craft which will have a longer hover duration than anything available today. They’d serve as drones for indoor use esp in mixed reality and in 360 degree light field capture. The next stage would be flying hover boards, toys, flying carpets, and then flying cars that will finally became mainstream.
After this phase things will only get more exciting. With a propulsion system that is capable of flying in air and space without requiring explosives allows every single human to be a space faring entity. We’d have true democratization of space with every single individual having the ability to access space just as it were a small extension of earth. This will herald a true space age.
Unlike the ~100 years that has taken for Rocketry to develop; the emerging technological singularity is going to accelerate development incredibly quickly. All we need is a rapid doubling with a rate of 30 days (Doubling every month). If the system is developed at this pace, it can overtake mainstream technology within 5 years. It’s insanely fast; and if this rate were set as the benchmark, it would be a self fulfilling prophecy. At this rate it’ll take just 30 months to develop a propulsive system capable of lifting a 1000Kg payload to potential velocities of a few percentage the speed of light.
This is the world I want to live in. This is the world I want to create to meet my goals.
( A Billion propulsive element engine could be built in 30 months assuming we start with just 1 propulsive element.)
Categories: Inspiration, Motive, Passion | 1 Comment

The need for a new kind of propulsion

Rockets! the massive plume of energy blasting away in space as we reach into the arms of the vast space that beckons with mysteries.

Since the last 1000 years, we humans have built rockets. The last 100 years has seen them become refined thanks to the world wars. Humans have mastered rockets and the Americans led the way in taming a million tons of explosives to take humans to the moon and back. All existing working rockets are gigantic explosives. They contain the most combustible materials known to humans. This gigantic explosive has been tamed to emit all it’s energy in one uniform beam at only one end of a rocket. This amazing technology and the power over flames will continue to fascinate us for centuries to come. That there was a time when humans strapped on explosives to explore the universe will be studied through our sentient existence on this planet.

A rocket and it’s working was give a mathematical basis by Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, a Russian pioneer who discovered the rocket equation

v= Ve ln(Mf/Mi)

What this means is that for a rocket to leave earth, it needs to have a high velocity “v” and this depends on just two factors. The mass ratio of the rocket and the exhaust velocity of its combustion products. There is nothing else that matters. The thrust, temperature, type of fuel, weight of rockets are all irrelevant.

All existing propulsion technologies achieve the velocity needed by burning gases at a high temperature. This “controlled explosion” has taken us this far. It is still fraught with danger and is not the safest means of transport that we humans have invented.

For us to advance further into the Space age, I feel that there is an urgent need for a new kind of propulsion. Some that is safe, non-explosive , reliable and provide large velocities approaching ~1% the speed of light and eventually approach the speed of light.

It’s funny when researchers say with conviction that it’s impossible to travel at the speed of light because of relativity. Relativity doesn’t predict anything impossible; it’s just that the theory breaks down as we approach the speed of light. It’s a limitation of the theory. We need a new theory to know what really happens when hit this wall hard enough. That practical data would be crucial in development of a new theory of Space-Time-Quantum nature of the universe.

So how do we go about building a new kind of a propulsion system. Something that is a marked departure from the last 100 years of our space faring? The answer is the new power bestowed on us by Nanotechnology and my favorite nanomaterial; Single Walled Carbon Nanotube.

Carbon Nanotubes have this unique ability to emit electrons at a low voltage. They are the best field emitters known to mankind. This allows for a micrometer sized ‘engine’ that is capable of ionizing a propellant and pushing it out with a high velocity by using an electric field. Due to the way it is fabricated, this would allow for a few billion engines to be fabricated in a 1 meter square. If each engine is a square of side 100microns and each engine is producing a 10micro Newtons of force. That translates to a 100million engines producing 1000N of force in a 1 meter area. This is enough to push a 100kg mass and keep it afloat on earth. With two engines, we can essentially keep a person afloat akin to what was envisioned in Back to the future. The engine would look like something from Star wars / Star Trek. A blue glowing engine with the glow coming from remnant ionized gases reacting with the atmosphere.

The initial work on this concept has already started at NoPo Nanotecnologies. If everything works out; this will be a gigantic step in our space faring future.

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The Demonetization Experiment

India is going through an exciting exercise. Through a televised announcement; 80% of the country’s currency became defunct overnight. The idea was to force people onto the digital economy.

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