Why I want a New India and not the glory of Ancient India
India’s growth story has been on the premises that we will achieve greatness of the country as described in the ancient scriptures. This doesn’t give us a future but puts on the pathway for a confused history.
A Material Manifesto for Space
We are a fragile species. To survive the vagaries of space we need a protective cocoon. A material that can be a second skin enhancing safety. It needs to have certain properties High Impact Strength Radiation resistant Light-weight Self-Sensing Self-healing Such a material could withstand micro-meteorite strikes, fix itself upon damage, survive re-entry repeatedly. Let’s … Continue reading
Phase II : The Vehicle
Often times, I get a confused look from people trying to figure out what I am doing. One day I’m in Silicon Valley talking to VC’s, then there’s news of being in Canada for the CDL program, next I’m in a Biotech conference in Bangalore talking about Nanotube-Silk, there’s an announcement of being part of … Continue reading
Technology for Space by solving Problems on Earth
NoPo’s mission is getting clearer every day. My work on the company instead of in the company is generating results. A company exists with a single focus of generating value to everyone involved by creating something that improves lives of other human beings. The intense desire to help others and thinking about how to make … Continue reading
My vision for Transportation
The wheel has been the fundamental crux of our transportation from the time of it’s invention till now. It gave mankind the ability to travel all over and occupy all of earth rapidly. It has given us this day in history. We are now at the crux of human history where we want to travel … Continue reading