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Three Decades: A summary

Posted by on March 26, 2017

Today, I complete 3 decades of life on Earth. I’ve spent a major part of this time in learning, teaching myself new skills and building a solid foundation for the mountains I plan to scale in this decade. I’m living one of the most exciting times of life and will be pushing new frontiers. At the end of this decade, I foresee the following happening:

  1. Zero traffic jams in Urban transport: Thanks to flying cars based on NoPo’s tech.
  2. Regular trips to Mars would be the new vacation getaway: Thanks to super material’s made of Carbon Nanotubes
  3. Wireless energy will be mainstream. Thanks to Rebeams efforts.
  4. Entertainment will be fully immersive with VR content creation becoming as simple as taking a video on the augmenter. Thanks to Viga Studios

I’m fortuitous for all the family and friends that have backed me this far. It’s now the time for your faith and confidence to see results. Thank you all!


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