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My ancestors were Ayurvedic Pandits. There is a story on how this came about. My Great Grandfather’s brother Mr.Nanjabba, once had a fight with his wife, sulked and went off to Tirupati which at the time was a dense forest. He got lost and was found and tended for by Tribals. He stayed with them and they taught him a lot of the recipes that had come down to them. He then returned back and started practicing Ayurveda. The practice was lost but by a strange coincidence a book written by my great grandpa landed in my hands. I’ve decided to release the book as is for anyone interested.

I was told that there are medicines for Cancer, whooping cough etc… And that they are in this book.

Please note that Diet is very very important. And many old people have said that not following a diet is catastrophic and can lead to death.

I am releasing the book as is under a creative commons license and am not responsible for anything that may arise out of your use of this book.

Click on the link below to Download:



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