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Monthly Archives: December 2018

Phase II : The Vehicle

Often times, I get a confused look from people trying to figure out what I am doing. One day I’m in Silicon Valley talking to VC’s, then there’s news of being in Canada for the CDL program, next I’m in a Biotech conference in Bangalore talking about Nanotube-Silk, there’s an announcement of being part of … Continue reading »

Categories: Inspiration, Passion | Leave a comment

Life lessons from Ola

Last evening, I was on the way back from a rejuvenating conference where I made several life long friends. I’d been reading books on Topgrading and had just finished a bunch of draft questions to identify A-players. Decided to try it out on the driver. He told me about his ambition to have a great … Continue reading »

Categories: Life Style, Non classifié(e) | Leave a comment