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Life lessons from Ola

Posted by on December 16, 2018

Last evening, I was on the way back from a rejuvenating conference where I made several life long friends.

I’d been reading books on Topgrading and had just finished a bunch of draft questions to identify A-players. Decided to try it out on the driver.

He told me about his ambition to have a great family. He was cocky and that came from experience.

Venkatashivaiah had come to Bangalore 28 years ago after having failed SSLC. He was working as a labourer for which he was paid 18Rs per day. He figured that there was no future. Relatives continuously asked about his bad fortune. After getting frustrated, he moved to Bangalore and stayed with his sister on the rooftop of their home.

A random meet got him job as a gas cylinder delivery boy. He did a great job. Got an Auto rickshaw and started saving money with his sister and husband. But lost it all after they refused to pay him back. He had to go back and restart life again as an Auto rickshaw driver. Set targets every day and would not go back until he made his quota. This ensured a steady income and savings. 

He liked a girl but the marriage was spoiled again by relatives. He later found someone and had kids. 

With more such adventures. Life finally trudged along. He got started driving an Ola. And as he conversed with people; he learned and became a better version of himself ultimately becoming a highly driven, motivated worker with a clear philosophy of life and a clarity on how things work . He told me one thing that stood out, “If he had now decided to get Aishwarya, he would instead of the wife he had”. There should be a clear goal, a plan and work towards it. When it came to his kids; he had made plans. If they study; I would provide them help to study further and acquire knowledge. If not, I’ll get them married and be done with my responsibilities.

Despite the responsibility, I will continue living my life. Have savings, have fun here and there. And always ensure I meet my daily goals. 

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