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Monthly Archives: November 2016

The Demonetization Experiment

India is going through an exciting exercise. Through a televised announcement; 80% of the country’s currency became defunct overnight. The idea was to force people onto the digital economy.

Categories: History | Leave a comment

The Singularity Tangent

Life is an amazing journey. Early on, I set my sights on a far out unreachable goal and began working my way towards it. I want to be the first human on Mars, that’s my goal for life. The race to get to mars is getting hotter every day as more people want to get … Continue reading »

Categories: History, Inspiration, Life Style | 1 Comment

The Positive side of India: How we are solving our problems

This was a talk I gave at Singularity University to enlighten people about the good things happening in India. India ain’t just a third world country teeming with problems. It’s also a place unshackling itself from years of suppression and crippling governance that limited individuals from unleashing their full strength and make the world a … Continue reading »

Categories: History, Inspiration | Leave a comment