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Teachings of a Spacefarer {Future}5rt

Posted by on June 4, 2024

We’ve been on Earth for a few million years. Every observation and learning is based on how we experience things here. Until we managed to look outside the planet; we did not know the rules of the game. Now we are trying to create a theory of the universe sitting on a rock that has its own atmosphere and its own way of life. The secrets of the universe are still leaning in through a few that are able to forget what is in front of them and look far beyond.

What if we are in that environment in space? What if we are in the belly of the cosmos, beyond the Earth, and within the influence of the sun? And later, beyond the influence of the sun. A mind that is seeing a whole new world, that is experiencing a whole new phenomenon, wouldn’t that find a pattern that is “obvious”?

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