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log 2014-3-16 Hindus

Posted by on March 16, 2014

My first Sunday in a few weeks. The last week, I wrote a review for a book called Hindus: An alternate history that deals with history of India with the caste perspectives in focus. I saw some venomous trolling for the review.

Disclaimer: I grew up without ever knowing or having to do anything about caste. I have never wanted to know a persons caste and neither will I eve. It is completely immaterial to me. All I see is an amazing creation of nature, a valuable human life.

The book does feel like it is denigrating Bramhins and their practices. The author keeps away from drawing conclusions. All she does is present facts and let the reader draw her own conclusions. It is the way the priestly class has been throughout history.

The author doesn’t spend the entire book on class conflicts. She gives due credit where it’s due. She alludes to the possibility of the greatest invention of mankind, the wheel being invented by the Indus Valley civilization. She credits Aryabhata and Varahamihira as men being responsible for spread of mathematics which has had such huge repercussions on our life now.




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